At ExamsLand, we try hard to provide you with the real exam questions and answers to assure full assistance in preparing for all certification exams. We also recommend new clients of ExamsLand to watch its free demo before making a purchase of any certification exam course to check the proficiency level. Later on, they can buy ExamsLand dumps PDF & practice test software to prepare well for the certification exam they want to get certified in.
To build trust among our clients about our services, we offer a 100% money-back guarantee in case of their failure in certification exams after preparing with ExamsLand questions. Full payment will be refunded without any question.
However, according to the policy of our company we need to make sure that our client has prepared ExamsLand questions and answers, and could not pass the exam. Since we cannot refund the client for some personal mistakes such as not taking the exam or not preparing according to the given schedules.
To confirm that you have made the right claim for refund, we have formulated a refund policy mentioned below. We will send back you full payment in 7 working days or we will provide you with another ExamsLand exam dump of the same price.
We strictly confirm the following conditions before considering the refund claim:
- The applicant prepared for the certification exams with the latest questions and answers provided by ExamsLand.
- You need to provide a scanned copy of your result card.
- You have bought ExamsLand exams dumps at least 15 days before your certification exam date.
- You have to claim for a refund within 7 days after the result of the certification exam.
- Promotional products are not valid for refund policy i.e (Black Friday Sale, CyberMonday Sale, Halloween Sale, Summer Sale)
Tips For Fast Refunds
Please follow these steps to get fast refunds and send email to refunds email mentioned on the refund policy page.
Record a short video with the following things ( Login to your account, Download/Click on the result page and show whole result page )
Send an email with the following ( Order Number, Order Date, Result card, Exam appointment card, and the recorded video )
For refunds, our e-mail is:
Payment Refund Policy:
To avoid scamming and continue the Money Back Guarantee service we have to make sure that:
Candidate studied with ExamsLand product for at least 15 days.
The candidate did not leave the exam un attempt due to personal issues.
The candidate has purchased our product within the last 90 days.
The guarantee is not available for “non-proctored” exams i.e. exams available online without a proctor.
Guarantee policy is not valid for a few Apple, AWS, Cloudera, MS Dynamics, HPE, SAP, and OCP Exams.
Retired exam. (For those applicants who used our latest products for retired exams)
We do not entertain the refund claim if the client made “wrong purchase” or downloaded the wrong or prepare with the outdated product.
We refund only if your result is below 70%. If a candidate fails with just 10% or 20% we don’t refund. Because, if the question came from the dumps and candidate do not answer correctly for any reason, then we are not the reason for being failed.
In case you found that dumps provide by ExamsLand contain 20% wrong answers and you have the all valid answers with an explanation why your answers are correct then you can ask for a refund and our refund team will review your case.
We own the right to refuse the refund if our team feels the refund should not be processed for any reason.