For any question or any professional issues, here are some frequently asked questions from our clients. Check for your question, if you could not find it in FAQs then feel free to contact us at
Please be patient, we will give you satisfactory answers within 24 hours.
General Questions
At ExamsLand we provide preparation material of certification exams for various companies. Our preparation material contains questions and answers in PDF & Practice Test Software format. You can find a complete list :
ExamsLand only provides preparation material for certification exams. For the enrollment in certification exams or getting certified you need to visit test taking sites i.e. &
We do not consult our clients in this regard. For this you should visit Certification related discussion forums.
Definitely you can! ExamsLand provides 100% real and latest products. Just prepare for two weeks before exam and get certified in first attempt. We also offer money back guarantee that reflects our confidence.
Since you purchased the product so you own it for lifetime. But, the money back guarantee and support is valid for 90 days after the purchase of your product.
Guarantee, Support & Updates
Since you purchased the product so you own it for lifetime. But, the money back guarantee and support is valid for 90 days after the purchase of your product from ExamsLand.
There is “no fixed date” for the updates of exams as it depends on the factors that we do not control directly. However no matter when will the update will be available, ExamsLand assures your success.
ExamsLand provides free updates that are valid for 90 days after purchase date. After this, for free updates and support, you can extend the update period excess for another 3 months at 50% discount.
ExamsLand provides free updates to every client for 90 days. During these 90 days “log in” to your account and you can get the updated product for free.
Yes, you can renew the “expired license” at 50% discount. Just click the “renew” button beside each product in “Member Area”. This license would be valid for the next three months. If you face any problem contact our support team.
During the products updates, ExamsLand removes all the outdated questions to save your time that is why there is less number of questions. It simply means that you have to study fewer questions but with good grades.
Payments & Product Downloads
You can pay through all major Credit/Debit Cards and PayPal.
Please check if you are filling all the fields correctly. Try some alternate method to pay for the product or contact our Live Chat Support or e-mail for assistance.
If you paid for the product and also received a confirmation e-mail then you can download the product directly from the member area.
To download your product log in to will see the order number and download number from where you can download the product without delay.
Check if the transaction was successful and you are logging into the correct account. If there is no issue then contact our Live chat or e-mail the Support Team.
You can download any 20 products if you buy Unlimited Access for any duration.
Website Security
Don’t worry about that. Your credit card information is 100% sure at our website because our site is protected by enhanced security protocols by McAfee and SSL 64-Bit and is checked 24/7 for consistency.
No, none of any third parties have access to our clients’ information. We have 100% secure system and we do not share our clients’ information to anyone.
Miscellaneous Questions
Don’t worry about the requirements as ExamsLand provides the study material in PDF format which is supported by almost every operating system e.g. Windows, Mac, Linux etc.
ExamsLand offers discounts on all popular certification exams. If you want to buy three or more products then you can contact a Team member for discounts available on Total Invoice.
If you failed in certification exam despite using our products you can claim for a refund. Please visit our guarantee page. You will also have to send your original fail report in PDF format to Our team will be available to assist you in a short time.
The chances are very rare, but if you find any problem in our product we would like to know and appreciate your cooperation. Please send us the screenshot of the error and we will remove it as soon as possible.